Once again, we’re divided by geography and trash-talking. We have Westies (Left Coasters), Texans, and Easties (Swiss Cows), with the Easties being the defending podium-sweepers of last year’s Race Day. This year Race Day will take place on the legendary L’Alpe d’Huez and the Ride Commissioner has thrown a wild card into the mix in the form of his 19 yr. old son, Nick.
Howie: he claims divided allegiance since he was born in Philadelphia and has been feeding the Easties secret info on the Westies’ training regimen. But lately suspicions have arisen that he is, in fact, a double-agent.
Chris: co-conspirator with Howie? They train together regularly and seem to ride for a living and work in their spare time. Suspected of posting altered news releases, and recently diagnosed GBF (Gallic Bovine Flu) among the Easties, who also go by the team name “The Swiss Cows.” Among the telltale symptoms of GBF: leg weakness and paranoia.
Todd R.: westie contender missing a key teammate this year. The question is, can he contend without Todd P? Will he ride Todd P.’s bike?
Rick Mc.: Strong and youthful. Claims not to have ridden much. However, a photo snapped by Howie shows that he’s mounted a new rear cassette with a humongous inner ring…..probably 34 tooth!
Rich: The Ride Commish. Clearly not impartial, as this trip is scheduled to prevent the Easties’ preferred Aspen Training Camp. While others have been talking trash, he’s been simply training. But are there mountains in Dallas???
Nick: The young buck. 19 yrs. old and counting. All the advantages of youth. Are there disadvantages? If so, will any apply???
Markham: A Mountain Man who attacks summits with relish. He’s ready 365 days a year.
Charles: Defending Race Day champ, riding without benefit of Aspen Training Camp this year. Can technical, power-tap training overcome lack of training time?
Jack: New bike, old legs. How much difference can 2.5 lbs of carbon make?
Go Easties!!!