By 11:45 we had built our bikes, checked into our rooms and were ready to ride. The sun shone and temps warmed into the 80’s as we headed down the valley on a bike path, before turning onto a car road and almost immediately found ourselves on the day’s signature climb. It was exactly as advertised—in a word, unrelenting. It pretty much hit 10% immediately and stayed there—well, between 8% and 14%--for the entire 9 miles. It was Hogpen x 2, and I was thankful we were climbing it on the first day when legs were still fresh. The view from the top was spectacular, as the horizon was lined with snow-capped peaks.
The descent and subsequent climb were perfectly French, down narrow winding roads, through 6 or 7 building French towns, views of wildflower meadows, lakes and woods. We arrived back at Chateau de Candie in time to take a swim and have a beer before dinner.
For another account and more details, see Chris's blog at
funny, I keep looking at the photos and saying: "wait, that was from last year". Same guys, same clothes, similar views. Have fun guys. Very Jealous.